It seems ages since I went for a walk around the streets, but so much has been going on at home. However, today the evening is so perfect for a short ramble, that I am leaving the domestic chores to the family and donning my walking shoes. The late spring sunshine is streaming through our open front door, and the sound of children playing on the cobbles outside reminds us that winter is past. Stepping into the street, and looking down the hill to the river Mersey, I can see the late sun is glistening on the water creating steaks of gold on the tops of the small waves, and the small sailing vessels skimming over this like skaters on an ice covered pond! There is not a cloud to be seen in the sky and even our grumpy next door neighbour smiled and gave me a cheery 'hello' as I past. Owing to the lateness of the hour, my walk today is shorter than usual so I had better proceed.....................................
EVERTON BROW (Everton Crescent) 1 Latham Hanmer Esq.. 2 John Cooper 3 Joshua Eccles 4 James Houghton Thomas Bell EVERTON CRESCENT (60 Richmond Row) 1 Samuel Lowe 2 Mrs H. Beckett 3 J. A. Jee 4 Mrs S. Rawden 5 John Heyes 6 W. G. Forsyth 7 Thomas Bromfield 8 Mrs M. M. Strickland 9 Mrs A. Adamson 10 Miss S. Rowe 11 James Gibson 12 Mrs U. Yates 13 Robert Greenham 14 Mrs M. Blundell EVERTON LANE (Everton Village) Rev. J. Brooks M.A.. Thomas Case James Rutter EVERTON TERRACE (Everton Brow) 1 Joseph Ellenthorpe 2 Edward Thomas 3 Rachel Grayson 4 John Pennington 5 Sarah Pennington 6 James Green 7 James Hitchmough 8 Daniel Buchanan 9 George Roach 10 Margaret Best 11 Bejamin Batley 13 John Taylor 14 Miss A. Sharp 15 T. F. Dyson 16 Thomas Tattersall 17 William Goodwin 18 P. B. Ainslie 19 John Higginson 20 Samuel Hope 21 George Wainwright EVERTON VALLEY (St. Domingo Lane) David Harper John Hindle Owen Roberts Benjamin Wildsmith EVERTON VILLAGE (Everton Brow) John Anderton Misses Chaffers Misses Dodson Samuel Haliday Mrs E. Haworth William Jones Mrs E. Kewley George Lee John McGeorge Richard Naylor Lieut-Col. William Nicholson John Pyke Mrs Margaret Pyke Thomas Rainsford Thomas Roberts Robert Sandiford William Shaw Thomas Slingsby John Smith Mrs C. Tatlock Mrs A. Topping EXCHANGE ALLEY (3 Exchange Street West) 2 Thomas Mather 3 Ewart, Myers and Co.. 4 Orred, Lowe and Hurry 6 S. & C. Turner 7 N. Waterhouse & Sons 8 Thomas Foster 9 Bagott & Parr Bowe & Bushby Joseph Steel John Steel William Chamley 10 Thompson & Co..
That completes my short walk for today. The sun has already set and a clear cloudless night is in prospect. A cold northerly wind heralds a frost! I for myself am calling for a quick jug of my favourite brew before retiring. Next time I am hoping to explore EXCHANGE BUILDINGS, and in addition to telling you who works behind each door, will try to ascertain their line of business as well.