What a beautiful day it is today ~ spring is really with us. The birds are giving us a glorious dawn chorus; the street traders and flower sellers are setting up their stalls, and the smell of newly baked bread fills the air from the bakery at the top of the hill. My wife has finished the family's laundry and has gone off to the country to see her cousins. I had intended to accompany her, but I remembered that I had not finished investigating 'who did what' down at EXCHANGE BUILDINGS and reluctantly stayed at home. I hope, this time however, to complete my wanderings around the corridors of this large building before the occupants leave for the day.................so we continue with Office No.13.
EXCHANGE BUILDINGS (Town Hall) continued 13 Thomson, Wright & Co. ~ Merchants and Ship Owners (Robert Thomson, 15 Cazneau Street) (John Wright, Ward's Cottage, Rake Lane, Edge Hill) 14 T. & J. A. Case ~ Insurance Brokers (Thomas Case, Everton Lane) (John Ashton Case, Much Woolton) 15 Taylor, Potter & Co. ~ Insurnace Brokers (John Taylor, 13 Everton Terrace) (William Potter, 9 Netherfield Lane North) 15 Livingston, Huson & Co. ~ Merchants (John Livingston, 4 Netherfield Lane South) (Thomas Huson, 9 Netherfield Lane South) 15 Whitley and Hoskins ~ Attornies and Notaries (John Whitley, 35 St. Anne Street) (Thomas Allison Hoskins, 30 St. Anne Street) 15 W. Feilden & Co. ~ Merchants (William Feilden, Ferriscowles) 16 J. & F. Lapage ~ Brokers (John Lapage ?) (Frederick Lapage, 24 Springfield Street) 16 William Peers & Sons ~ Cotton Brokers (William Peers, 6 Pembroke Place) (Thomas Peers, Everton Valley) 16 Lyne & Sudell ~ Merchants (William Lyne, Mossley Dale) (Thomas Sudell, 39 Bold Street) 17 T. I. Curado ~ Merchant (Thomas I. Curado, 2 Upper Islington) 17 George Roach & Co. ~ Merchants (George Roach, 9 Everton Terrace) 17 Sealy & Walker ~ Merchants (George Timothy Sealy, Lodge Lane, Everton) (David Walker, 52 Mount Pleasant) 17 A. T. Follett ~ Merchant (Andrew Tucker Follett, 14 Brownlow Street) 18 Joseph McViccar ~ Broker (Joseph McViccar, 23 Rose Place) 18 J. & T. Hutchinson ~ Merchants (John Hutchinson, 18 Roscommon Street) 19 D. Campbell ~ Broker (Daniel Campbell, 39 Upper Islington) 20 Alanson & Brandreth ~ Wine and Spirit Merchants (John Alanson, Walton) (William Brandreth, 7 Mansfield Street) 21 Yates Brothers & Co. ~ Brokers (? George Yates, 54 Hanover Street) (? John Ashton Yates, 65 Mount Pleasant) 21 Jones, Hodgson & Co. ~ Insurance Brokers (William Jones, Derby House, Edge Hill) (Adam Hodgson, 19 Slater Street) 21 Jones, Hyslop & Co. ~ South American Merchants (? Jones) (Robert Hyslop, 40 Bold Street) 21 Charles McMurdo ~ Insurance Broker and Agent to North British Fire & Life Insurance Co., and to Bristol Crown Glass Co. (Charles McMurdo, 14 Brunswick Street) 21 William Lowe ~ Corn Merchant (William Lowe, 15 St. Vincent Street, St. James') 21 Charles Lorimer ~ Insurance Broker (? 5 Everton Terrace) 21 John Read ~ Merchant (?)
It's still before noon, so I am leaving this rather dingy 'pile' and seeking out a friendly hostelry, before I have a short 'street' walk to see if I can find some more relatives for you. For my seafaring friends, I will be off to look for merchants, dealers and manufacturers who who are selling and making goods for mariners and others upon the seas............................................... .........be with you again after a jug of ale and a slice of game pie!