Much water has passed under the bridge since we last met, and the 'memories' of my visit to the Western Seaboard of Scotland and the Isles beyond are slowly fading, so I must put pen to paper. You will remember that we left Liverpool (the Saracen's Head in Dale Street) on the Royal Mail Coach accompanied by an assortment of fellow passengers. My wife and I left the coach in Preston and found lodgings at the Old Red Lion Inn in Church Street from where (after a superb meal) I went for a stroll around what was new territory for me. Details of who and what I found follow my latest Liverpool walk below. Now back to our trip north. We stayed in Preston two days, before taking the 'Royal Liverpool' coach to Lancaster, where we had an overnight stop at Old Sir Simon's Inn. Here I made a note of the small amount of 'water traffic' and this I will report to my seafaring friends in due course. The next leg of our journey took us on the 'Invincible' through Kendal and over Shap. This part of the trip was quite eventful, as in the middle of a violet rainstorm, the coach was bogged down and heave as the team of horses did ~ nothing moved it. We spent a very cramped and uncomfortable night in the listing vehicle many miles from the nearest habitation. What made matters worse, was a pathetic young man who recounted a tale he had heard of a party of coach travellers starving to death in similar circumstances! By morning the rain had eased and a relief coach arrived into which we transferred ourselves and baggages, and eventually arrived in Carlisle nearly 24 hours late. After a well earned break for food, we rejoined the coach for the next leg of our journey to Moffat in Scotland. Here we took rooms in the Old Black Bull Inn just off the High Street. ..... Of our stay in Moffat and our travels in the northern lands, more in my next depatch.
Now back to my Liverpool Wanderings and I continue with.....
GREAT CROSSHALL STREET (69 Tithebarn Street) 1 Hugh Jones 2 Mrs N. Jeffryes 3 William Grocot 4 Robert Beard 5 Alice Rockcliffe 5 Elizabeth Stevenson 6 Patrick Bradley 6 William Jump 7 James Thom 8 Robert Quilliam 9 John McCurdy 10 John Evans 10 William Fell 10 Elizabeth Hughes 11 John Duxbury 12 Edward Allanson 13 Watkin Samuel 14 James Clegg 15 Juliana Harris 16 John Lawton 17 Alexander Mackenzie 18 John Riddick 19 John Barwise 20 Thomas Skerrat 21 Samuel Dawson 22 Robert Patten 23 Henry Pooley 24 John Jones 25 Charles Ward 26 N. C. Bond 27 Mrs C. Phillips 28 & 30 Thomas Gregson 31 J. & R. Sefton 32 James Duckworth 33 John Lyon 34 John Sharp 35 James Collingham 36 Amos Studdart 37 Emma Prescot 38 Owen Davies 39 T. Langsdale & Son 40 John Hicks 42 Richard Wilson 43 Edward Harding 44 William Graham 45 Bateman Knowles 47 William Graham jun. 48 John Jones 49 J. A. Bradley 50 James Johnston 51 Richard Atkinson 52 Edward Langsdale 53 Edward Perkins 53 Mary Vaughan 54 John Pierrepoint 55 Philip Cawley 56 W. H. Gleadah 57 John & Owen Williams 58 James Williams 59 Richard & Ann Gillow 60 John Harrison 61 Thomas Corbin 62 & 63 Pemberton & Williams 64 John Kaye 65 John Higginbottom 67 William Shepherd 68 Mrs S. Fletcher 69 Elizabeth Chalk 70 Mrs A. Heald 71 J. I. Smith 72 Thomas Miller 73 Joseph Cowell 74 John Brown 75 John Case 76 John & Sarah Armroyd 77 Samuel Lunt 78 Edward Cowdell 81 Hugh Jones 81 Thomas Barton 82 A. H. Barton 84 M. Moulson 84 John Edwards 85 John Porter 87 John Taylor 88 Robert Jones 89 Mary Cooke 90 Mrs M. Robinson 91 Thomas Robinson 92 William Herbert 93 Richard Haworth GREAT GEORGE PLACE (57 St. James' Street) 1 Thomas Whitby 2 James Robinson 3 Francis Lowthian 4 Stephen Ravenscroft 5 Simpson Samuel 6 Lawrence Frost GREAT GEORGE SQUARE (56 Upper Pitt Street) 1 Mrs E. Grose 2 Elizabeth Byrom 3 William Brown 4 Mrs E. Langton 4 Joseph Langton 5 T. Mather jun. 6 William Donald 7 M. I. Tobias 8 Richard Radcliffe 9 Thomas B. Barclay 10 Miss E. Frances 11 Mrs J. Hodson 12 Mrs M. D'Aguilar 13 Ambrose Lace 14 T. G. Massey 15 James Blake 16 J. Foster jun. 17 Wood Gibson 19 J. O. Watson 19 Mrs E. Watson 20 Thomas Ripley 21 A. McDermott 22 Z. Sellar, M.D.. 23 G. B. Brown
That's all the rambles for today,
I am now going home to look
out my note-books of our travels north, and who I found during
our short stay in Preston. My first 'port of call' was the Corporation
of the Borough of Preston, and here is the list of all the persons
I encountered and to which office they ascribed....
Mayor ~ Richard Newsham, Esquire.
(The Mayor also is Coroner for
the Borough, and Clerk of the Market during his Mayoralty)
Recorder ~ Sir James Allan Park,
(one of his Majesty's Justices of
the Court of Common Pleas)
Aldermen ~
Edward Robert Travers
Nicholas Grimshaw
Daniel Lyon
Samuel Horrocks
John Troughton
Hugh Dewhurst
Thomas Miller
Capital Burgesses and Common Councilmen ~
John Green
Henry Fisher
Robert Gornall
Richard Palmer
William Leighton
Robert Friend
James Mounsey
John Taylor
James Pedder
Thomas Tomlinson
James Dixon
Thomas Moore
Jonathan Lodge
Joseph Robinson
John Paley
Robert Robinson
Watson Robinson, M.D..
Charles Buck
Mr. Richard Newsham, jun.
Mayor's Bailiff ~
Alexander Moore, M.D..
Town Clerk & Clerk of the Peace for the Borough ~
Mr. Richard Palmer
Town's Steward and Treasurer to the Corporation ~
Mr. Philip Park
Town Serjeant ~
William Crook
Mayor's Serjeant or Serjeant of the Mace ~
Thomas Walton
Mace Bearer ~
Henry Bowerbank
William Buck
Beadle to the Corporation ~
George Lomax
I then visited the offices of public officers connected with the Borough, but who are not corporate officers.
Churchwardens ~
Thomas Clarke
Thomas Troughton
Overseers ~
John Rodgett
Robert Pennington
George Sims
Vestry Clerk ~
Mr. Richard Palmer
Clerks to the Coomissioners for the Improvement of the Borough of Preston ~
Messrs. Grimshaw and Palmer
Superintendent of Police ~
Mr. Thomas Walton
Surveyor of the Police Commissioners ~
Mr. James Barnes
Billet Master for the Borough ~
Mr. Robert Gornall
Governor of the House of Correction ~
Mr. William Liddell.
I also visited the offices of persons dealing with the administration of the County Palatine of Lancaster, but more of this next time ......