I am taking the opportunity to pay another visit to the Waterfront to list some of the new Steam Ships and Packets. The weather is reasonably kind today, but I am wearing a sheepskin body warmer to keep out the cold. On reaching the docks however, I find that the fog, which has rolled back from the higher ground, is now forming a blanket over the Mersey. All that can be seen of the various and sundry vessels are the masts, sails and strange pipe like structures belching smoke and adding to the blanket on the river. Above this rolling cover, the sun is shining making the scene even more unreal. On reaching the water edge I find that the belching pipes are in fact the smoke stacks of the steam vessels............oh! for a return to the sailing ships of old! Anyway I mustn't forget the purpose of my journey; the listing of the ships and packets.
EASTHAM The "Lady Stanley" and "Maria", sail regularly during summer three times a day, viz. at 8 morning, half past 11 in the forenoon, and 2 in the afternoon; during winter, at 8 morning, 11 forenoon, and 2 after noon, from the Parade, west side George's Dock, to Eastham, where coaches are in readiness to convey passengers to Chester, Wrexham, Oswestry, Ellesmere, Shrewsbury &c.. Passengers, by the above packets arrive at Chester in two hours and a half from the time of leaving Liverpool. Places taken at: Mr. Thomas Dod's, Chester & Eastham Packet House, 32 James Street. ELLESMERE PORT The "Earl of Bridgewater" ~ captain : James Radley sails every day, and during the summer twice every day, from George's Dock, Pier Head for Ellesmere Port, whence passengers are conveyed by new canal packets to Chester. The passage is performed in three hours. Information respecting the forwarding of goods, &c. may be obtained at the following offices: Liverpool - James Radley, 1 Strand Street - John Bolton's, 1 Irwell Street, Mann Island. Chester - R. Griffith, Canal Tavern, Tower Wharf. GREENOCK & ISLE OF MAN The "City of Glasgow" and the "Majestic", Mail Packets sail regularly between each port, during the months of June, July, and Aug. three days per week, and other months every Monday and Friday, calling at the Isle of Man. Agents: Liverpool - John Richardson, 17 Water Street. Douglas, Isle of Man - Thomas McMeiken & Co. Greenock - James Little & Co.. NEWRY The "Belfast" sails for Newry every Tuesday and Friday. Agents: Liverpool - William Stweart, 25 Redcross Street. Newry - L. Transon. RUNCORN & MANCHESTER The "Eclipse" ~ captain : John Janion sails regularly every day during the summer, from George's Dock, Pier Head for Runcorn, to meet the Old Quay Co.'s regular line of canal packets, direct to the New Bailey-bridge, Manchester. During the winter there is a conveyance between Liverpool and Manchester as frequently as the tides will admit. An extra packet during summer leaves the New Bailey- bridge, Manchester, every day, by which conveyance passengers and luggage are conveyed to Liverpool in seven hours. Information relative to the forwarding of goods, &c., may be obtained at the following packet- houses: Liverpool - John Nall's, 1 George's Dock Passage. Runcorn - P. Johnson's Hotel. Manchester - Jane Weston's. George & Dragon, 1 Gartside Street, Bridge Street. RUNCORN & MANCHESTER The "Duke of Bridgewater" ~ captain : Israel Irlam sails from George's Dock, Pier Head, every day during the summer months, for Weston Point and Runcorn. A canal packet leaves Runcorn immediately on arrival of the above steam packet and proceeds direct to Knott Mill Wharf, Manchester. On this line the passage is performed in about seven hours. An extra packet leaves Knott Mill Wharf, Manchester every day, by which passengers are forwarded to Liverpool. During the winter, there is a conveyance between Liverpool and Manchester, as frequently as the tides admit. At Weston Point, another canal packet meets the steam packet, (from March to November) to convey passengers to Northwich and the interior of Cheshire. Information respecting the forwarding of goods, passengers, &c., may be obtained at the following packet-offices: Liverpool - John Bolton's, 1 Irwell Street, Mann Island. - James Radley's, ! Strand Street. Runcorn - William Johnson's, Bridgewater Arms - John Davies', Royal Hotel. Manchester - Henry Gould's, Runcorn Boat House, Knott Mill. TRANMERE The "Britannia" Steam Ferry Packet sails every morning at eight o'clock from George's Dock, Pier Head for Tranmere, where passengers may be accommodated with a coach for Chester, which returns at three in the afternoon, when this packet returns to Liverpool. Agents: Liverpool - John Nall, 1 George's Dock Passage. - Henry Clayton, 12 Nova Scotia.
That's the end of the list of Steam Ships and Packets, next time I visit I will look at the Steam Ferry Packets and the few remaining Sailing Packets. The wind has at last picked up, but still from a cold northerly direction, but the Mersey's blanket has now been dispersed. Having completed today's 'mission' I have met up with some of my friends of earlier jaunts and we are going to a tavern on the waterfront to exchange tales of the sea, sing a few shanties and indulge in a little quaffing of ale, On the way, we pass some young fisherman, sitting round a fire mending their nets and chewing baccy (filthy habit!). Anyway, no doubt there will be more to report tomorrow.