NEW YORK ~ "Meteor" ~ H. Gardiner "Manhatton" ~ R. Rickertson "John Wells" ~ Isaac Harris "Panthea" ~ Thomas Bennett one of these vessels sails on the 8th of every month from Liverpool, and on the 24th of every month, from New York. Joint agents in Liverpool: Cropper, Benson & Co., 31 Paradise Street and A.& S. Richards & Co., 1 Goree. New York: Byrnes, Trimble & Co.. NEW YORK ~ "Leeds" ~ W. Stoddart "Cortez" ~ Nash de Cost "Corinthian" ~ G. W. Davies a new ship now building ~ H.Holdridge one of these vessels sails from Liverpool on the 24th, and from New York on the 8th of every month. Agents, Liverpool: A. & S. Richards, 1 Goree. New York: Fish & Grinnell, and Thadeus Phelps & Co.. PHILADELPHIA ~ "Algonquin" ~ Charles Dixey "Tuscarora" ~ James Serrill "Alexander" ~ Stephen Baldwin "Montezuma" ~ Thomas Potts on of these vessels sails from Liverpool, on the 8th of every month except December, and one from Philadelphia on the 20th of every month except January. Agents, Liverpool: William & James Brown & Co., 34 Strand Street. Philadelphia: T. P. Cope & Sons. PHILADELPHIA ~ "Florida" ~ James L. Wilson "Julius Caesar" ~ F. M. French "Delaware" ~ John Hamilton "Colossus" ~ Richard Urann "Courier" ~ G. Wallace one of these vessels sails on the 20th of every month. Agents, Liverpool: Rathbone Brothers & Co., 1 Cornhill & 6 Gower Street. Philadelphia: Spackman & Wilson. PHILADELPHIA ~ "Sarah Ralston" ~ ? "Manchester" ~ Charles Winslow "Plato" ~ James Birkett "Dido" ~ William W. West one of these sails every month. Agents: Shipley, Welsh & Co., 7 King Street, Pool Lane. PASSENGERS' OFFICE, No. 4 Cooper's Row, established by the American Chamber of Commerce, and the Merchants generally. W. S. FITZHUGH, Agent.
My next visit to the quays and docks will be to look at destinations, vessels and masters of Coasting Traders. But before that I will try out my new boots and tramp a few more of the Liverpool Streets of 1825.